BitLife – Life Simulator – How To Become An Animator?

Becoming an Animator in BitLife is pretty easy. In today’s BitLife – Life Simulator Walkthrough, we will help you become an Animator

BitLife - Life Simulator AnimatorAnimator is one of the 146 Careers in BitLife – Life Simulator. To become an animator in Bitlife, you will have to study Arts at the university. After graduating with an Arts degree from the university, you will have to apply for the Jr. Animator position. Animator job falls under the small business category. As you keep working as a Jr. Animator in the same company for a few years, you will get promoted to the senior level. After that, as you progress further, you will eventually become the Animator. Keep working as an Animator for 20 years to get the Animator achievement in the Careers menu. So this would be the summary of this post. Let’s learn everything in detail.

Getting Started With The Smart Character

Animators are smart, right! Start the life with a character whose stats are more than the average so that you would not have any problem when applying for the university after graduating from school. At the bottom-center of the screen, check the stats panel and pay attention to the smart stats; 80-100 would be good. The higher the smart stats, the fewer chances of getting a rejection from the university.

If he/she does not have more than average smart stats, start a new life – since the stats are randomly given, you will have to keep doing this until you get the character with decent smart stats.

Visit Library, Study Harder At School To Maintain The Smart Stats

While studying in primary school and further secondary school, the two activities that you need to do every year are – visiting the library and study harder. Library Activity: – Activities -> mind & body -> library. Study Harder: – School -> Primary/Secondary -> Study Harder.

Choose Arts To Become An Animator

BitLife - Life Simulator AnimatorOnce you graduated from secondary school, you will have to seek higher education in the university to become an actor. There are many options; Arts, Finance, Music, Biology, etc. To become an animator in BitLife, we would recommend you to study Arts at the university. If the Arts option is not there – apply for the community college – graduate from the community college – apply for the university again and see if the Arts option is there or not. If not, start a new life.

Apply For The Animator Job

BitLife - Life Simulator AnimatorAfter graduating with an Arts degree from the university, it’s time to look for the job. In the Jobs menu, the game lists all the available jobs. Find the Jr. Animator(Small Business) and apply for it. If it’s not there – progress to the next year(tap the age button) or close/open the game to shuffle the job listings.

Pass the interview by giving an appropriate answer to the question asked by the recruiters. If you fail the interview, apply for the animator job in another company(there might be multiple animator jobs).

Keep Working As Animator For 20 Years

BitLife - Life Simulator AnimatorTo get the Animator achievement, you must work in this field for consecutive 20 years. Since you started at the junior level, make sure to work harder and get the promotion. Tap Job button -> Jr. Animator/Sr.Animator -> work harder.

So this is the complete BitLife – Life Simulator walkthrough guide to becoming an animator. Keep in mind that this is not the only way to become an animator – there could be more ways too. If you know any other method, don’t forget to share it with other fellow players in the comment section below!

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