BitLife – Life Simulator – How To Become Architect?

Want to be an architect in BitLife? Read on and check out this BitLife – Life Simulator walkthrough guide to become an Architect

To become an Architect in BitLife, the player needs to take Engineering Course at the University. After graduating with an Engineer degree from the University, apply for the Architect job – pass the interview – work as an architect for about 20 years to get Architect career achievement. So these are some simple steps that you need to follow to become an Architect in BitLife – Life Simulator. Let’s learn everything in detail in this walkthrough – how to become an Architect in BitLife – Life Simulator?

Start Smart and Stay Smart

The smart attribute of the character matters a lot because if you are not smart, no one would ever hire you for any job until and unless it does not involve labor work. With a high smart attribute score, there would be fewer chances of rejection from the university or any other school. Here we are talking about the Architect – to accomplish this target, you will have to apply for the Engineering course at the university level. But if you are not smart enough, the university might decline your application. To play safe, we would recommend starting life with a person with a decent smart score. And, the decent smart score would over 85 to 100.

Since all the events; starting character attributes, timeline events are random, there is no guarantee that you always start a new life with a decent smart score. That’s not a problem because the game allows you to start a new life anytime you want. All you have to do is navigate to the main menu and choose to start a new life – check the new character’s attribute score; smart, health, happiness, etc. If the smart stats are decent, continue to the next step of this walkthrough. If not, start again.

In the initial phase of the timeline, you will study in primary school. After that, you will enter secondary school. During this period, make sure to visit the library to maintain the smart stats.

Education Qualifications To Become Architect In BitLife

BitLife - Life Simulator Architect

Update: any degree would work!

As mentioned above, one of the best ways to become an Architect in BitLife is choosing Engineering at the university. As soon as you finish the school study, pick Engineering at the University. If the Engineering option is not available, we have two ways to solve this problem for you; enter the community college and graduate. After that, apply for the University again and check Engineer course availability. Apply if available and pay the tuition fee. If not, restart as a new character.

Look For The Architect Job

BitLife - Life Simulator ArchitectYou can apply for the job after graduating from university with an Engineering degree. Head to the Jobs menu and find if there is an Architect job available in an Architectural firm. If available, apply – pass the interview and start working as  Jr. Architect in the firm. If not, close the app and open again – this will shuffle the job listings in the Jobs menu.

Keep working hard as Jr. Architect and get promoted to the senior level. As you keep working in the same firm for about 20 years, you will become an Architect and the Architect career achievement will get unlocked.

Also, see (How To Become: -) –

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