Hotel Empire Tycoon Housekeeping Losses

What is housekeeping in the House Empire Tycoon? Can you make it profitable? Read on and check out this Hotel Empire Tycoon Housekeeping losses info
Hotel Empire Tycoon Housekeeping

In each hotel that you unlock in Hotel Empire Tycoon, you will get the Housekeeping room where the workers rest when they are not working. If you check the hotel analytics, you will find the Housekeeping losses and that’s natural because this service is an expense for you. For starters, we would recommend checking the Hotel Empire Tycoon Cheats & Tips. In this post, we are going to learn about Hotel Empire Tycoon Housekeeping! So without further ado, let’s head to the main content.

Why do you need a housekeeping service in the Hotel Empire Tycoon?

Because customers who have booked the room might turn it dirty. If the room is not clean, they might get angry. Also, dirty rooms would not be given to the new guests. So no new customers and no more profit. That’s why it’s important to clean the rooms in the Hotel Empire Tycoon.

Learn about the housekeeping staff: –

You can hire workers or staff for housekeeping. Hiring costs Idle cash and immediately deducts from your account. Tap the housekeeping room -> go to the employees’ tab -> there you can spend idle cash and hire/fire the staff. If the staff is not working, then you will see them in the housekeeping room.

Housekeeping losses: –

In the hotel analytics tab, you will see the warning message; Housekeeping is on losses. That’s because it’s an expense(wages paid to the workers) and there is no way to make it profitable. You can reduce the losses by firing the staff/workers – but can not make it profitable. So don’t worry about that warning. Hotel Empire Tycoon Housekeeping

Housekeeping time: –

Staff Workers will start their job daily at 9:00 AM. And, they will return to home at 2:00 PM (Closing time).

Cleaner Offer: –

Sometimes you get the video ad offer that helps you clean all the rooms instantly. Claim this offer if you have lots of rooms!

Also, see –

So this would be all in this post on Hotel Empire Tycoon Housekeeping losses! This article was last updated on January 28, 2020.

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