Prison Empire Tycoon Facilities Guide: Barracks, Infirmary, And More

Started playing Prison Empire Tycoon and wondering how facilities such as barracks, laundry, and more help? Read on for Prison Empire Tycoon facilities guide

Prison Empire Tycoon FacilitiesIf you have just started playing this game, then you might be wondering what are the facilities in Prison Empire Tycoon and why you need to build and upgrade them. For starters, we recommend reading the beginner’s guide. In this post, you will get to know about the facilities that you can build in the first prison. So let’s not waste any time and read the content; Prison Empire Tycoon Facilities guide – 

Prison Empire Tycoon Facilities: –


This is where prisoners live. In the cell, you can add WC, Bed, Desk, and many other facilities. This will increase the comfort level(feather points), happiness(green emoji). Tap the cell -> tap any facility in the cell -> you will see what it provides; comfort(feather), happiness(green smiley), cash(green bucks), water(consumed water), etc. 


This is where guards stay. Barrack is responsible for surveillance(eye symbol), speed of guards(the boot symbol), resistance against prisoners during the riot(heart icon), and power(punch icon). Tap the barrack facility and you will get to add lockers, protective equipment, monitoring room, security cameras to improve the dominance over prisoners in case riots break out. 

Laundry Room

This is where Janitors wash the prisoners’ outfit. It affects the comfort (feather icon) stats. Prisoners would not feel comfortable in dirty clothes. So make sure you build and upgrade the laundry room and hire janitors. 


This is where the guard checks-in the prisoners. 


This is where prisoners in the Prison Empire Tycoon game takes shower. 


To maintain the health of prisoners. You can also build pull-up bars in the prison yard to maintain the good health of prisoners. 

Electricity Generator

The source of energy. Build and upgrade batteries here to increase energy capacity in prison. 

Water Pump

The source of water. Build pipe and water tanks for more water supply in prison. 


This is where the chef cooks food. 

Dining Table

This is where food is served to prisoners. 

Maintenace Room

Here you can build or upgrade the maintenance supplies to optimize the cleaning speed of Janitors. 

Prison Yard

Here you can build and upgrade lots of facilities; basketball court, vegetation, weight bench, pull-up bar, and phone. All these facilities can help you maintain the happiness, health, and comfort stats of prisoners. 

Also, see – 

So this would be all in this post on the Prison Empire Tycoon facilities guide for beginners. 

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