Ego Sword Guide, Tips, Cheats & Strategies

Ego Sword: Idle Sword Clicker is a brand new Incremental clicker game for mobile by Betdon. Check out Ego Sword guide, tips, cheats & strategies

Betdon’s latest Idle RPG, Ego Sword, challenges the player to become the master of magic the sword. It features thousands of stages, hundreds of boss fights, and lots of game modes where you fight against the deadly monsters for the treasure items. Hunting the monsters drop souls, which you use in powering up the sword stats, in sword evolution. If you have just started playing it and looking for a guide or tips, then our today’s post Ego Sword guide and Ego Sword tips, cheats & strategies will help you!

The Combat Basics – Getting Started And Stages

Ego Sword⇒At the beginning of the game, most of the modes in the dungeon menu are locked. You need to clear a certain number of stages to unlock these modes. At the top-right corner of the screen, you can check the stage progress. To complete a stage, you will have to defeat a certain number of waves. At each stage, In the last wave, you will fight against the boss. Unlike other waves, the boss battle is different. To pass the boss stage, you must defeat the boss within a certain amount of time. When fighting against the boss, you will see the timer at the bottom-right corner, just above the HP bar.

⇒You just tap the screen or use the skills to deal damage to the monsters. At the bottom-right corner, you can see the monster’s HP bar. Reduce the monster’s HP to 0 to win the battle.

⇒Hunting these monsters drop in-game currency called “Souls”. You can use souls to train slaves or raise the level of Ego Sword.

As you progress to high-level stages, the battles would be hard. You will have to develop the character’s sword(raise the level, equip artifacts, evolve sword, upgrade the sword’s abilities, equip/upgrade jewels). Let’s learn in detail!

Ego Sword – How To Increase The Sword’s Power

⇒Stats -> At the top-left corner of the screen, tap the stat icon. After that, you will see five tabs on your screen; training, artifacts, skins, info, and trophy. In the training tab, you can spend souls and rubies in various stats; base damage/tap soul, auto attack, soul gain, and more. Artifacts -> This is where you buy and activate the artifacts. All these artifacts provide unique buffs to the character. You buy these artifacts using rubies. Skins – Here you can spend rift shards on the sword skins. Rift Shards are obtained from the rift dungeon mode.

Ego Sword⇒Sword -> At the upper-left corner, tap the sword icon. After that, five sub-tabs will appear on your screen; evolution, sword, sword skin, skill, and talents. In the evolution tab, you can spend souls to evolve the sword. This increases the total damage, base damage, and critical damage. Head to the second tab, which is sword. That sword tab has four sub-tabs; extra damage, extra soul, etc, and crystal of rebirth. In the extra damage tab, you can spend the sword’s essence to increase bonus damage stats. If you want to get more souls per hunt, head to the extra soul tab and spend the sword’s essence on these skills. In the ETC tab, the player can spend the sword’s essence(the yellow one) to boost the sword’s stats. And, at last, In the crystal of rebirth tab, the player can spend the currency(obtained from rebirth) to unlock/upgrade premium sword abilities.

Ego Sword⇒Jewel -> Tap the jewel option at the upper-left corner and there you have some free slots, four tabs at the bottom of the jewel popup. Tap on any empty slot-> on the right side, you can buy chests which contain jewels. Go to the second tab -> follow the same process. Go to the third tab -> here you can obtain jewel shards. Jewel shard is the currency that you need to upgrade the Jewels. You can get it from here or dismantle the Jewels that you own.

Ego Sword Skills

Ego SwordEgo Sword game features a variety of sword skills that you can use in the boss battles or anywhere you like to use. By default, you have only one skill. But the game lets you own two skills at a time. To unlock the new skill slot, go to the sword menu -> head to the skill tab -> here you can use rubies to replace current skill or unlock new skill slot. At the bottom-left corner of the screen, you can see these skill icons. Tap the skill icon to use.

Dungeon Modes and Their Currencies

Ego Sword features a wide range of dungeon modes where you fight against the deadly monsters and bosses for the items like rift shard, sword’s essence, ultimate stone, hunter coins, and elemental items. Tap the dungeon mode; play the rift dungeon for rift shards(rift shards can be used for the sword skins, In the rift shop). Participate in the sword’s essence mode to earn the sword’s essence(it can be used in developing sword abilities, extra soul buffs). Play the ultimate stone mine mode to earn ultimate stones(it is used in Jewel upgrades). Head to the contract tab -> here you can spend rubies to get instant rewards. Bounty Hunt -> From this mode, you earn hunter coins. Use these hunter coins to buy hunter badges. Elemental Rift – For the partner items.

Rebirth – Ego Sword

Rebirth is the prestige feature in Ego Sword game. If you use this feature, you will start everything from scratch. The reward you get upon rebirth is; Sword’s essence, Crystals of Rebirth. Both these items can be used to increase the sword’s abilities in the sword menu.

So this is the Ego Sword guide for the beginners. Let’s have a look at our top Ego Sword tips, cheats & strategies!

Ego Sword Tips and Tricks: –

1.) Automate The Attacks First

Ego SwordAs you know that the player needs to tap the screen to deal damage to the enemies(without using the potion). You can automate the attacks by maxing out the auto attack upgrade. It will cost you rubies. So we would recommend you to save rubies and max out this ability. At the top-left of the game screen, tap the stat option -> there you will see the auto attack ability. Upgrade it to the max and your character will attack the enemies automatically. This makes the game “Idle”.

2.) Pay Attention To All The Upgrades

There are a number of ways to increase the attack power of the sword. We have mentioned it earlier in the guide part. Make sure to pay attention to all the upgrades; training, artifacts, sword skins, sword skills, evolution, sword abilities, talents, and jewels. If you have been stuck, focus on these upgrades.

3.) Use The Potions If Things Are Out Of Control

On the left side of the screen, tap the box; here you see the three potions. You can buy these potions from the shop(shop -> usable). The time potion increases the speed of the game, the ogre potion increases the damage and strength for a few seconds, and the berserker potion increases the auto-attack speed. We would recommend you to buy these potions when you are in a difficult stage. Otherwise, save rubies and spend on premium upgrades; artifacts, training.

4.) Cook or Order The Meals

Go to the shop -> head to the cook tab. Here you can order items/meals that grant buffs; dash speed, critical chance(+), soul gain, and attack power. You can order these items if you have enough material. To get the material items for cooking, tap the ingredient option on the left side -> tap the cart-> confirm -> defeat the monsters to get the ingredient for cooking.

5.) Collect The Mails, Orbs

Every now and then, you will see mails or orbs on your screen. Tap these items to get a special reward. It could be a bag of rubies or loads of souls.

So these are the top Ego Sword tips & tricks for the beginners. If you have more tips, share them in the comment section below!

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