Star Trek Fleet Command guide: tips, cheats & strategies

New to the Star Trek Fleet Command? Understand all of its aspects with this Star Trek Fleet Command guide available with tips, cheats & strategies for beginners

Star Trek Fleet Command guide and tips: –

This Star Trek Fleet Command covers “how to play” basics, about the ships, buildings, upgrades, and other things such as attacking, mining, parts, blueprints, and more. So, let’s get straight to the Star Trek Fleet Command guide and tips: – 

Getting Started With Star Trek Fleet Command Basics

Star Trek Fleet Command⇒One of the main in-game currency in Star Trek Fleet Command game is Latinum. You can use this currency to build, upgrade, and research instantly. The game will give you this in-game currency as a reward upon leveling up or from other events(daily goals, missions). Since it’s a premium in-game currency, it’s hard to get. If you are a f2p player, then you should spend it wisely.

⇒Your objective in this game is to increase the home-station power. You can check the power at the top-left corner on the home station screen(interior). To increase the power, you will build, upgrade the buildings at home station, discover new technologies in the R & D Department and by upgrading the ships, officer, drydock. In all these upgrades, you will need a lot of resources; Parsteel, Tritanium, Dilithium, and more.

⇒The player produces these resources at home-station. The main building at the home-station is Operations – Command Center. Upgrading it unlocks new buildings, upgrades, features, and much more. The maximum level of this building is 50 and at each level, you get the weapon damage bonus.

Get To Know About Station

Your station is in the galaxy, in a random system. You can relocate it to one of the station hub’s slots. Relocating is like teleporting the base from one system to another, from a station’s hub to another station’s hub. It will cost you a relocation token. You get this item for free when you start the game. Since you have only one(you can get more relocation tokens from the free chests/daily), use it wisely. To relocate, go to the galaxy screen -> choose a system -> enter system/view -> tap a planet -> relocate. Let’s learn step-by-step:

Guide To Ships And Drydocks In Star Trek Fleet Command

At the beginning of the game, you have two drydocks(Drydock A and Drydock B) in your fleet; so you can only assign up to two ships(Ship A and Ship B) in the fleet. If you want to assign more ships, you will have to build drydock. At the bottom of the screen, tap the locked; Drydock C option -> locate -> complete the requirements to build.

Assigning The Ship To A Drydock

To assign a ship to drydock, tap the + button at the bottom of the screen -> assign ship -> select a ship to assign.

Learn To Swap The Ships

If you have already assigned the ship to available slots and want to change, then swap that ship. Tap the ship at the bottom of the screen -> manage -> on the left side of the screen, you will see the option “swap ship”. Tap it and choose a ship. Note – You must recall the ship to the home station and repair it. Otherwise, you would not see the swap button.

Guide To Manufacturing Ships In Star Trek Fleet Command

Having multiple ships in the fleet helps you a lot. You can send one ship to mine resources in the system, another ship to attack ship/station. The game gives you one ship for free when you start the game. After it, you will have to build the ships.

Head to the home station(interior)/base -> tap the ships option at the top-left. There you can check the list of ships featured in Star Tree Fleet Command. Tap the build button to start the construction process.

Prerequisite: – Prior to the construction, the player has to unlock the ship. You can unlock some ships by acquiring the blueprints or some ships are unlocked by researching in the R & D department. How to get blueprints? Destroy the high-level hostiles in the systems to obtain blueprints.

Upgrade Ships In Star Trek Fleet Command

First, make sure to recall it to the base. After it, tap the ship at the bottom of the screen. Head to the manage menu -> upgrade. All the ships in Star Trek Fleet Command game have different stats. As you progress in the game, you will battle against high-level hostiles, ships, and players’ base. So it’s important to increase the strength of ships. Tap the upgrade button -> level up.

To level up the ship, you need Ship XP. Ship XP can be obtained from the missions, daily goals, events. Ships can also earn EXP from the battles or other tasks(mining). For example; if it’s a war-ship, then battle hostiles to grant it EXP. If it’s a mining type ship, then send it to mine resources. Sometimes, the game grants EXP.


On the same screen, tap the + button -> upgrade. You can obtain parts for the ships; explorer, battleship, interceptor and more by destroying the hostiles.

Getting Parts In Star Trek Fleet Command

As you progress through the game or level up, things will change. You will need to power-up the ships to dominate in the PvP mode or keep the station safe. To tier up or increase the level cap of a ship, you need parts; explorer parts, battleship parts, interceptor parts. These parts come in various grades, for example; 3-star interceptor parts, 2-star interceptor parts, 1-star battleship parts, 2-star explorer parts.

You can get these parts from the PvE chests or mega chests. All you need to do is destroy the hostiles in systems. For 2-star parts, we would recommend you to defeat level 10-20 hostiles. For 3-star parts, we would recommend you to defeat level 21+ hostiles.

Guide To Star Trek Fleet Command Hostiles And Rewards

Star Trek Fleet CommandHigh-level hostiles can be found in high-level systems. For example for level +21 hostiles, search in level 21+ systems. Sometimes you get the chest while sometimes not. To check the battle report or chest, tap the inbox button at the bottom-left corner -> here you can see the battle reports. There would be a chest icon next to a battle report if you have won the chest. Tap the battle report -> tap the rewards box -> claim the chest. From these chests, you can obtain blueprints, parts(interceptor, battleship, explorer). Defeat high-level hostiles to get better rewards.

Tier Up The Ships

Once you install all the parts in a ship, you will be able to increase the tier level, which, increases the level cap and stats of that ship.

Star Trek Fleet Command Ships Guide

Star Trek Fleet Command⇒The ships in Star Trek Fleet Command are of four types; survey ships, interceptor ships, battleships, and explorers. Except for the survey ships, interceptor ships/battleships/explorers are good for combat. The survey ships are good for mining. So for the combat(PvE, PvP), send interceptor/battleships/explorers. And, to mine resources in the systems, send survey ships.

⇒To check the ship type, tap the ship on drydock slot -> near the strength stats, the icon displays the ship type.

Check Out The Missions In Star Trek Fleet Command

Star Trek Fleet CommandIn some missions, the game does not guide you to the checkpoint. You will have to figure out manually. If you tap the quest box, it will show you a hint. We don’t have a full missions list yet.

Mission(1)⇒All the devils are here. Travel to the dangerous Briar Patch System of Jinnia. Collect 2 Cargo Crates.

In this mission, you need to collect 2 cargo crates and hand over to the officer. You get these cargo crates by completing the planetary missions. All you need to do is visit one of these systems; Jinna, Eral, Dyrr. There you will see a planet with (i) mark. Tap it and accept the missions. Complete these planetary missions to get cargo crates.

How To Get Dilithium In Star Trek Fleet Command?

At the start of the game, you produce Parsteel and Tritanium. To start the production of Dilithium, you will have to build the Dilithium Generator, which unlocks at Operations level 10. Prior to it, you can obtain it by completing the missions, quests, events, and from the free chests. Or mine it. Also, see – Dilithium Mining locations

Dilithium is needed to research technologies in the R & D Department.

Star Trek Fleet Command Officers Guide

You can assign up to three officers(Bridge only) in a ship. All the officers featured in Star Trek Fleet Command have unique abilities and provide a variety of buffs/boosts to the ship.

NOTE – As you level up the ship, you will be able to assign more than three officers.

Ship -> manage -> assign officers.

On the same screen, on the right side, you can check the crew stats and bonus. Tap the(i) button to get more details.

How To Get Officers In Star Trek Fleet Command Game?

To recruit an officer, you need recruitment tokens. You get these recruitment tokens from the crates/chests, events, by completing the missions, quests, and from the store.

If you have, then head to the recruit menu by tapping the officers button on the top-left. There are a number of ways to recruit the commanders: –

  1. Standard Recruit – Consumes normal recruitment ticket, rewards common(90% chances) and uncommon officer shards(10% chances).
  2. Premium Recruit – Consumes premium recruit token. Drop rates – Uncommon(70%), Rare(25%), Epic(5.0%)
  3. Ultra Recruit – Consumes ultra recruit tokens. Drop Rates – Rare(50%), Epic(50%)
  4. Federation Recruit – Uncommon(40%), Rare(40%), Epic(20%).
  5. Klingon Recruit – Consumes Klingon Recruit Token. Drop Rate – Uncommon(40%), Rare(40%), Epic(20%)
  6. Romulan Recruit – Consumes Romulan Recruit Token. Drop Rate – Uncommon(40%), Rare(40%), Epic(20%)

Promoting and Upgrading Officers!

Head to the officer menu -> tap the officer. There you can level up the officer using officer XP. When you recruit, you also get officer XP as the reward or obtain from the quests, missions.

Promoting -> Promoting increases the level cap of the officer. To promote an officer, you need shards. Obtain shards from recruitment chests.

Attacking Guide For Newbies

Star Trek Fleet CommandYou can attack ships as well as stations. But in the early game, you have only one option; hostiles. Reach the level 15 to become eligible to attack other player’s station. You can loot resources by invading enemies’ base.

Additionally, after reaching level 10, you will be able to invade enemy ships roaming in the system. Where you can find other players’ base? Around the station hub. Tap the player’s station -> scan or attack. Blue ones are enemies, purple ones are alliance members, and green denotes your station.

Mining Guide For Beginners In Star Trek Fleet Command

⇒There are lots of resources you can mine from the galaxy systems; crystal, ore, gas, dilithium, tritanium. You can check the list/locations here. It would be better to send a mining/survey ship to mine the resources. All these mining ships have the ability to mine a particular resource quickly. You can check the ship’s ability in the manage view.

⇒Players can attack a mining ship anytime. Let’s learn with an example; your ship is mining tritanium in X system. And, the enemy ship arrives and destroys your ship. In this case, you may lose the resources(Cargo). All the ships in Star Trek Fleet Command have a unique utility ability; protected cargo. Go to the ship manage view -> go to the details tab -> here you can see the protected cargo amount. For example; it’s 500. The enemy can not steal this certain amount of cargo from your ship.

Exploring Guide For Rookies

  1. On the galaxy screen, you will see Systems. You can explore in the Systems. By exploring, we mean; attack the stations, destroy the hostiles, mine the resources.
  2. To view a system, you will have to set course first. Go to the galaxy screen -> tap on any system -> set course. Once done, you will be able to view that system.
  3. Once you are done, send the ship in that system and start exploring.
  4. Recall it to home once you are done exploring.

This function is similar to the Nova Empire game.

Star Trek Fleet Command Resources Map

You can see the map here. Credit – DanPMK.

So that’s all for now as Star Trek Fleet Command guide. We’ll update this post with Factions guide soon. Let’s read our top Star Trek Fleet Command tips, cheats & strategies!

Mine The Resources In Systems, But Wisely

Star Trek Fleet Command⇒If you explore a bit in the System, you will find mining nodes. There you can mine the resources. And it takes hours. Before you leave the game, send one of your ships to these resources for gathering. You can mine Tritanium in high level systems (check the picture in comments below). For the complete list and locations, check this post.

⇒It would be a good idea to mine in less-crowded systems, because the enemy can raid anytime. Additionally, use the survey ships to mine the resources.

Build Duplicates, But For Mining

The Star Trek Fleet Command lets the player build duplicate ships. For example; if you already have one Phindra, you can build one more. We would recommend you to build duplicate survey/mining ships rather than the combat ships. For example; Envoy, Fortunate. This will help you in farming resources. Always keep in mind that there are limited ship inventory slots. Since you can not dismantle or delete the ships, don’t build duplicates of weak and combat ships. If you reach the maximum limit, you will have to upgrade the ship hanger.

Participate In The Limited-Time Events

On the right side of the game’s screen, tap the events option and check out all the on-going events. From these events, you can earn rewards; resources, recruit tokens, ultra recruit tokens, and much more. Tap on any event and under the how to earn points section, you can check how to earn points. Earn more than other players for better rewards.

Increase The Overall Power

Increase the power by upgrading and building facilities at your base. Level up ships, equip parts, and tier up. Upgrade drydocks. Level up officers, promote officers. Research in the R & Department for additional buffs.

Keep Hunting The Hostiles

Destroy the hostiles to farm Ship EXP, parts, and other items.

Get Free Benefits By Joining An Alliance

Join an alliance and participate in the alliance events for alliance credits, items, resources. Additionally, you can ask for help to speed up building upgrades, construction.

Complete The Missions, Daily Goals

The player can obtain latinum, loads of resources, recruitment tokens by completing all the daily goals. Additionally, complete the missions for better rewards; Ship XP, speed-ups, and more.

Pay Attention To The Ship Types

As mentioned above, there are four types of ships in Star Trek Fleet Command. Mining or survey ships are not good for combat. But interceptors, explorers, and battleships are good for combat. Before you attack an enemy ship, check the ship type and choose the right type of ship for the attack. Interceptors > Battleships. Battleship > Explorer. Explorer > Interceptor. For example; if the enemy is using explorer, send the battleship element ship.

So these are the top briefly explained Star Trek Fleet Command tips, cheats & strategy. Also, see – Mining locations & list

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180 thoughts on “Star Trek Fleet Command guide: tips, cheats & strategies”

  1. When I try to build the Treasury, it says I don’t have enough resources and it shows the picture of a ring. When I click on the pic it says “don’t be greedy”. Why do I get that message?

  2. i’m trying to get the franklin warp interlock needed to tier up the franklin ship. tells me its in missions in elona galaxy. all missions in elona galaxy are done but no interlock. can any help me to find interlock

  3. I play on an iPad, and I know that when u get extra officer shards after a character is maxed they are supposed To go into a bank to help with other officers but I can’t find that bank, anyone know?

  4. in the display of dominance event what do you have to do to get the points for defense???.. I see the station building and the research but have know idea what gives the defense.

  5. I’m getting pissed off with the game. It refuses to give me any ships that I can get past level 18 bad guys. I’ve killed literally 1000’s of bad guys and no good blueprints to get any farther and I am a level 21, stuck at 18.

  6. so i am trying to join my friends server but he cant find that info on his account and i accidentally clicled to transfer to another. how doM i get a new account or remove the current one? and how do i find his server?

  7. Hello ~

    I would like to know, where to find the missions planets (with their lvls) ? (I know there is some in, like Deneva, Orion and all, but for low level ones ?) Thank you !

    And how about the newest update, the armada ? (I haven’t understand everything about it, sorry)

    Thank you !

  8. Hello –

    In the process of relocating my base w/ alliance – If we come across a planet we want to relocate to but it’s full – can we be assh0les and attack player stations until there’s enough freed up space for # of bases? Can a player station/base even be destroyed in this game?


    • Unshielded bases can be attacked at any time except for truces. Attacking bases is not being an axxhole, it is a normal part of the game.

  9. Hi, sorry new to this, I just completed a mission and the last part of it was to go back to base. I want to go back now and do the next mission but for the life of me I can’t remember where it was lol, is there a way to see where I’ve just been? Sorry, feel stupid!!

    • Not sure where you want to go. If it is back to your base, just hit the return button on the lower left portion of your screen once you’ve highlighted your ship. If it’s back to your mission, go to missions, pick the one you want and hit locate.

  10. Hi, I’m about to upgrade my station to level 15. Is it better to have my station by itself on a planet in a low populated, infrequently visited system or is the opposite better (to reduce how often I potentially get raided)? Does it really make any difference?

    • If you shield, it doesn’t matter. Otherwise, it is better to stay with your alliance members for proye tion or go to a low level system.

  11. How do you get uncommon Plutonium? Is there a certain level of player or faction you need to be to unlock it in the factions store? Or can we get it from defeating augment ships?

    • @Toby You can get uncommon Plutonium once you cross level 24 and rare plutonium gets available once you cross level 30. While common plutonium available after level 20. You can buy it from the augment faction store.

  12. I have taken my mining ship to the Maluria system for the Tritanium quest and cannot find what I am supposed to do. Suggestions?

  13. Hi,
    anyone how it is possible to play the game with the same account on different supports, e.g. ipad and mobile phone …

  14. Thats all nice and beautiful and helpful unul lvl15 but im at lvl 22 and got a lot of quetions like how many fp u need to get to consort level,what the building forge its used for ..etc it looks to me like all u mighty guiders haved spent like 1 hr to play the game then got to write a all flashy very helpfull Lol ,and thats it!!

  15. @Yatin: thanks for all the great posts so far.
    I’m curious about upgrading my ECS Fortunate.

    According to the game, I’ve reached my “Max Level” in terms of upgrades and “Tiering Up”.
    My ECS Fortunate hovers between 7000 and 9000 strength depending on how I do my Officer Assignments.

    I’m at “Operations Level 17” , however, I see a lot of ECS Fortunate ships out there at OPS Level 18, 19, 20 > where their strength is listed at over 20,000.

    How is this possible? Is this solely based on the Officer Assignment if I can no longer upgrade my ship?

  16. At what level does the refinery drop Rare Refine G3 material?
    Currently Refinery is lvl23….
    BTW the current drop ratios even after the update (if it did anything at all) is terrible.

    • @richard That’s completely random. You may get it at higher levels(level 25+, operations, not fully sure though), more frequently.

      Star Trek Fleet Command Rare Refined Ore

  17. From Newman,
    Is there a way to find a Map of the galaxy? I am tired of spending 20 mins to relocate Orion from home base everyday.

  18. Odd question- is there a way to drop missions? I’ve accepted a mission I don’t want to complete because of rep rewards/penalties…

  19. Where to find rare refined crystal. Not in the store and I have been continuously refining, Took a very long time and mean a very long time to even get uncommon. If it is a refined product I believe I will ever get it. So is there another way.

    • @Richard Refinery is the only source. What’s your refinery level and what are you looking for? Uncommon G3 material or Uncommon G2 material? And, there is an update coming to the game which will increase the refinery output. This might solve your problem.

    • @Chris In Federation, recommend system for 3* crystals is Siiolux. In Klingon, recommend systems for G3 crystals are K’amia, Etaoin, Enthra. In neutral zone, it’s Azha system. Or try searching in high level systems; it’s rare.

  20. Thank you for the detailed answer Adam! 🙂
    Good to see you get a reasonable amount of resources collected protected from high levels

  21. How do you find another players station? Seems unfair that they can Attack you, take note of your location to keep picking on you daily but you have no idea where to find them for revenge! It was mentioned to hit “location “ in your inbox earlier in the thread. But I have no such thing. Only BATTLE REPORTS. Inbox is grey and non functioning. Sucks all the fun out of the game of one player attacks your station 10 times while your taking a dump and steals like 2 weeks of mining resources and then you don’t know where they came from

  22. Sorry if this question sounds strange – how do i find systems by name search without the coordinates? I cannot search for other systems and this is frustrating…
    Thanks for answering!!

  23. How many Boslic Slave Traders in Deneva do I have to kill to find the 4 Energy Manifolds. I feel like I have killed 100+ with no success. Any recommendations?

  24. Shyn – go to the Manage screen for any of your ships and tap Details. Scroll down and look for Protected Cargo. This is the total quantity of resources that is protected from attack. Once your ship is carrying more than that amount, the additional resources above your Protected Cargo number are what will be taken by other players if they attack and win.

    If you are attacked and lose resources, the total amount of resources you mined DOES count toward mining missions. You do not get to keep or use the resources you lost however.

    Only if you make it back to base without losing any battles do you get to keep the resources above your Protected Cargo limit. Anything within your Protected Cargo is yours to keep either way. Have fun!

  25. When your ship get destroyed when mining, do you get anything out of your cargo? Not even what you may have previously mined on another spot but not yet returned to your base?
    I’m asking as it seems the amount collected does still counts in your daily mission even if you didn’t to the base… also because it’s a bit frustrating to very often be destroyed if you don’t stay behind your screen

  26. Hi,
    I wonder what happens if you meet any daily goals but are not able to collect the rewards. Are the rewards granted anyway and what about the reward chest which comes valid by collecting point for dialy goals? Are they lost since you did not collect or is their content automatic added to your resources?
    Thanks for any answers.

    • @Mad The daily goals rewards are not carried away to the next day. You must collect them daily if you don’t want to lose. Same for the chest rewards.

  27. I wish someone would have told me to swap ships frequently. As you gain xp for ships and the parts to attach equipment they drop randomly. So if you are attacking with a battleship you get parts for interceptors and explorers etc… Swap ships and attach parts for whatever you can then keep hunting hostiles with your strongest.

    Also there are a few key levels where PvP is unlocked. Get stronger prior to breaking the PvP seal at lvl 10 or the player vs station unlocked at level 15.

  28. Levels are an interesting thing. You have to be at level 10 (I think) to be able to attack other players that are also over 10. At level 15 ( I think) your starbase becomes attackable and you can attack other’s bases. There is a limit to how much you can punch down. I think it is several levels. This keeps the combat in a roughly reasonable range.

    • At level 14, the limit to punchin up or down is 2 lvls. (so can hit a 12-16) the number of levels that can punch up or down may change with increased overall level.

  29. Hi…
    I tried tie refine raw crystal 2. Batch 3000. After the refining period I got nothing from it… did I do something wrong or is this a glitch?


  30. What are space grades? Some rare ships can be obtained at different space grades, i.e grade 3 space. How do I know my grade and how do I increase it?
    Thanks in advance for answering.

  31. How do I use the ship hangar. I can’t find anyway to insert ships.
    Additionally I read somewhere above that you have posted a map, I can’t find it.

    • @richard You don’t use, you just upgrade that facility to increase ship inventory slots; to build more ships. For example; Ship. Hanger ( lvl 1) allows you to have 10 ships. If you want to build more, then you will have to upgrade ship hanger.
      I have not posted any map ?. However, there is a map Available on Reddit, you can check it by clicking here.

  32. Hi Yatin,
    I am giving the opportunity to build a second ECS Fortunate.
    What is the sense in building this second ECS vessel?
    Or is building it make my first ECS much stronger?
    I only have 2 docs so I can only send 2 ships en route.
    I would like to know before I put effort and resources in it.
    Thanks for keeping me posted.

    • @Mad That’s the mining ship with Parsteel mining laser ability; +15% Parsteel mining rate. It’s a good idea to have multiple/duplicate mining ships so that you can farm the resources fast by sending both the ships to rss point before you go to sleep. If you want to build one more, do it. But make sure to have enough room for the next mining ship; envoy(you have limited slots for the ships at the station – Depends on ship hanger building level). Envoy comes with Tritanium mining buff. At that time you may want to build one more duplicate of it.

      Building another ECS would not make the first stronger.

      Docks – You can swap ships anytime(docked at station). That’s not a problem.

  33. I have a question about attacking bases. I just upgraded to level 15 and now I’m getting attacked on a regular basis by someone who bought a Jellyfish. That Jellyfish is pretty powerful against my station, which is maxed out at level 14 (again, I’m a new 15). The only research I can do are for ship repair speed. I looked at attacking another level 15 station, but my Talla (Level 19, Tier 4) isn’t nearly strong enough to win a fight. Do I pretty much have to wait to have Jellyfish strength (or equivalent) before I can hope to win a station attack?

    • @David Yep, Strength Up your Talla ship, assign better officers and then raid(scan to check the strength). And, if you are getting attacked, make sure to max out all the defense facilities; defense platforms, techs, research!

    • @Okba If you see enemy ships mining resources on a rss point, for example parsteel point or roaming freely. Tap it and you will get the attack option. Defeat that ship in the battle to steal the resources. You must be on level 10 or higher to attack enemy ships.

  34. I would like to know how to accumulate rare G3 material outside of waiting for my refinery (level 26) to pump them out. I have been refining twice a day for the past 3 weeks and have never seen any rare material. There is nothing that can purchase either. So how do I upgrade my ships without this mats?

    • @Tom Refinery is the only source! The drop rate is super low, that’s why it’s taking so long. ? BTW I do get 2 uncommon g3 refined material per batch(not all the time though).

  35. My station attacked 7 time within 5 minutes. I have a couple questions regarding the attack.
    I won twice but lost 5 times. Each time I lost resources; each time approximately 23K parsteel, 4400 Tritanium and 530 Dilitium was taken by other player.

    1. what is the percentage lost and can they take all but what’s in the vault which is much?

    2. A peace shield appeared after the first attack, so I didn’t erect one. I turned the iPad right after the first attack saw the shield and walked away. When I got back the same player was attacking again. This time I erected a peace shield. attacking Player away, don’t know why the system peace shield didn’t prevent him from attacking. I believe the player got enough.
    Whichever…….Why didn’t the peace shield the attack the first time?

    • @Richard
      1.) It depends on the enemy’S ship cargo capacity. But they can not steal the resources protected in the vault.
      2.) That’s crazy, since you said you got attacked 7 times in 5 minutes. If the peace shield is not working at your end, this could be a bug. Contact the developers. As per the game info, peace shield prevents enemy ships from attacking your station and triggered after the enemy destroys the station.
      And automatically gets disabled if you attack another player’s ship or station.

  36. Hi all. I’m having an issue with Latinum retention. Whenever I open a crate that has , say 75 platinum as a reward, it fails to show up as part of my overall latinum amount. Yet if l buy an additional amount of latinum with actual cash- that gets credited immediately. Is some thing wrong here? Or is the ‘Ingame’ latinum being debited to support a process i don’t know about? Help !

  37. Hi is there a rule in how to earn ship-xp in battle? Sometimes ship-xp is gained in battle and is visible on the ship icon. Is there a rule for every typemof ship when ship-xp is earned? Is there also a difference between the xp earned for battling with hostiles or other players?

    • @Mad As per my experience, my battleship, explorer type ships earn xp from every combat. And my mining type ship earns xp when sent to mine. But my interceptor type ship never earned xp from battle as well as from mining. You can check the ship type icon near strength word(tap the ship)

  38. Hi there.
    I would like to ask something that it’s madness..i’ve seen a TURA ship with almost 20K power…how is it possible? far i know , TURA ship only could be upgrade until tier 4 , that means 6K so far…
    Thanks in advance

  39. I’d like to know how to FIND someone. So, overnight, they attacked my station. I want retribution, but have no idea how to locate a player and/or their base.

    • @Michelle You can not raid another player base/station if it’s below level 15. That’s why it is showing Target level too low. Additionally, since you are on level 11, you can’t attack another player station even it’s above 15.

      At level 15, you will be able to raid players’ station (above level 15). However, you can attack hostiles and enemy ships(mining resources or roaming in the space).

  40. Do you possibly have a breakdown of the mission planets? I fly all over the place and can’t seem to find a lot of missions.

  41. How can i change the id.
    I played on my cellphone and have reached lvl 18.
    Now i bought a new ipad (the old one didn’t support the game) and installed the game.
    But now i have to start from scatch.
    On my cellphone i played with a google-account, but on the ipad the game didn’t gave the option to choose and installed with my Game Center account.

    • @lonewolf It’s not possible. You can play a same account(linked with Google Play) on different Android devices, but that same account can not be accessed from iOS. Similarly, you can play with a same account (linked with game center) on multiple iOS devices, but that account can not be accessed from Android. It could be possible through Facebook login but the game lacks this feature. So the short answer is no ?, you will have to start over if you’re switching to a new OS.

    • @G2K Yeah, if it’s a mining type mission, it doesn’t send you to that location. In that case check which resource you have to mine, in the mission menu. Then search for it in systems.

      If it’s a NPC mission, then there would be a yellow sign (!)/point on the galaxy/system screen. Tap it and hit go.

      You can guess the mission type by paying attention to the icons next to the mission. Here’s:-

      Star Trek Fleet Command Mission

  42. Had the destroyed ship bug, playing on XS Max, tried on my old 6 Plus and was able to repair..may work for others to try on different/older devices if you’re getting bugs for now…

  43. When I give “HELP” to an Alliance Member in Alliance Contribute section. What am I giving them,,, one of my speedups, litinum, some of my points. I don’t notice any of the last dropping and checking speedup would require counting before and after.
    I am all for helping, as long as I am not depriving myself of something I may need later on.

  44. Any reason to build multiples of the lower level ships? I already have one rcs fortunate aside from having two mining ships why bother with a second?

    • @W00K You don’t need to build weak ships. You have limited slots so you can keep a certain number of ships only. The game does not let you delete the ships. You will have to upgrade the Ship Hangar to increase the ship inventory slots. So don’t build recklessly

  45. Nope, unfortionately no option like that available for me. Believe me I am not stupid and tried to find a way to contact but could not find any. Also no attachment options available. Maybe another way to contact??

    • @KaraBela Tap the profile avatar at the top left corner -> settings -> help and faq-> common question-> choose anyone -> at the bottom choose no next to “was this helpful” -> contact us. You can also attach the screenshot by tapping the attachment icon at the top-right on contact us page.

  46. Hello I hope someone can help me. I am playing Star trek fleet command I am on level 9 I am having a issue with repairing my ship it keeps saying : ship error a ship error has occurred, please try again if this error persists please contact customer support. I have tried resetting my ipad it still saying the same thing what do I do help.

    • @Nora H This game has many bugs and glitches. The one you mentioned above is one of them. You can contact their support team to fix this issue. Me and my friends have also reported the issue. They said they’re working on it. For example; some users are unable to claim daily rewards, wrong coordinates, repairing error, and more. Wait for the update

    • @Richard Sometime you get them from the events reward and free crates. You can check the events by tapping the event button at the top right corner.

  47. I do not understand how this officer recruitment mechanic works. I unlocked an officer from a premium chest but the still say “recruit to unlock” when I look at them now. If I click “recruit” it just takes me to the chest purchasing menu. Do you have to unlock them multiple times before they can be used?

  48. Firstly, it may obvious to some but the explanation on recruiting officers don’t tell you how to.
    On the recruit screen there is boxes with “VIEW” at bottom. Me I picked the first one clicked view.
    Now an array of officer portraits are displayed with numbers at bottom each and word “CHANCE” at the very bottom.
    At the bottom of the screen there is 3 boxes with the words 1CHEST A recruit Token Icon and the number 20 there are two other boxes same writing except 3 / 60 and 5 / 100.

    If I click on them the corresponding number of tokens disappear from my total amount at the top of the screen.
    I don’t see where the cadets that were in the chest go.
    Will someone explain this officer recruitment in better detail.

    • @Richard It’s very simple. On the recruitment screen, you have multiple ways to obtain officers; standard, premium, ultra, and more. In each summons type, you need matching tokens. For example; Standard recruit costs you normal token(blue), premium recruit costs you premium recruit token(yellow/gold).
      Tapping the view button will show you the list of characters you could get by drawing chests from that summon type(standard, ultra, premium). Spend the tokens(tap the chest button) to recruit officers. Basically, you don’t get the officers directly. You get the officer shards. Just below the officer’s portrait, you can check how many shards are required to unlock it completely. For example; To unlock Kirk, you need 100 Kirk shards. If you get 5 Kirk shards from a chest, it will show you 5/100. Once you have all the shards, that officer will get unlocked.

    • @Don all you can do is upgrade the ship and make it more powerful so that other players wouldn’t attack it. It happens in all the MMORTS games. Any powerful player can destroy your base or ship.

      Additionally, one more thing you should know that even if your ship gets destroyed, you don’t lose all the cargo. You keep the protected cargo. You can check the protected cargo amount in the ship’s details menu. Here it is:-
      Star Trek Fleet Command Protected Cargo

    • @Tom Nope. You have to recall it. If it gets destroyed completely, then you will see the repair button and the ship will automatically return to home base.

    • @Zack Head to a system and tap on station hub. If there is any slot available (max 10/15), tap the relocate button.It will cost you a relocation token. Sometimes u get it by completing the quests.
      Here’s the SS:-
      Star trek fleet command relocate base

      • Zack, don’t forget to have ALL your ships at home b4 you try to relocate, when you relocate, the token spent will transfer your station AND your ships, if any ships are not home, you can’t relocate

  49. I mine a lot of 2 raw ore refine it and my lvl didn’t increase. Can you email me directly I’d like to add a screen shot but can’t seem to paste

    • @Kinda

      I mine a lot of 2 raw ore refine it and my lvl didn’t increase.

      You are absolutely right! There are very low chances to obtain uncommon material. Keep batching and you might get it. Also, upgrade the refinery.
      You can check the refinery rates in the same menu. Tap refinery -> refine -> batch. BTW, can you tell me your base level.
      Star Trek Fleet Command Uncommon Refined Ore

      Note – As you progress, you will need grade 3(3-star) refined material. Upgrade your refinery, mine the raw resources and keep batching. You can not even purchase these resources using latinum.

    • @Kinda try searching Raw ore in the high-level system. You may find it in Oblient. After it, refine Raw Ore in Refinery building at your home station to get Refined Ore.

  50. If my ship is at dock, and damaged, how can I fix it? I only have the options to Manage, Locate & Recall, when I hit Recall it tells me the ship is docked.

  51. i’m told multiple times to find a local tritanium mine , but i cannot find anything but parsteel to mine. the mission doesnt direct me anywhere on the map

    • @Gavin Yep, same happened with me:( . You would not find it in low level systems. Try searching in high system level -7,8,9. Here’s the quick guide to mine tritanium in Star Trek Fleet Command:-

      Go to the Galaxy screen and find a high level system ( For example- Jinnia (9) ). The 9 in bracket is the level of that system.

      Set course. Once done. View System. And there you could find Tritanium resource point. It look like this:-
      Star Trek Fleet Command Mine Tritanium

    • You don’t need to dismantle. If you want to add one more ship to your fleet or home station, then you will have to build a new drydock. To build a new drydock, upgrade the fleet commander technology in the R & D department.
      Simply swap the ship, deployed in drydock. At the bottom, tap the ship -> hit the manage button -> swap ship. Here’s how –
      Star Trek Fleet Command Swap Ship
