The Grand Mafia Guide: Tips, Cheats & Strategies

New to The Grand Mafia game? Master all of its core concepts with this The Grand Mafia guide available with tips, and tricks

The Grand Mafia guide and tips

The Grand Mafia Guide: Tips, Cheats & Tricks⇓

This article covers how to play The Grand Mafia game, about enforcers, buildings, babe, mansion, and other things like raiding on the map, looting the resources, defense, attacking other players, resources, etc. So, let’s get straight to The Grand Mafia cheats and guide!

Make Use Of The Codes⇓

The developers release new codes every week. Use these codes to get free rewards. You can check all The Grand Mafia codes here

Learn To Increase The Mafia Influence⇓

At the top-center of the game screen, you can see the mafia influence. The mafia influence points display the total power of you as a player. You can increase the mafia influence by upgrading the buildings on the base, making investments in the investment center building at your base, leveling up the underboss, training associates at the training center, assembling traps, and completing the turf tasks. 

Guide To Associates In The Grand Mafia⇓

The Grand Mafia guide and tipsAssociates are the troops in The Grand Mafia game. You can train them in the training center at your mansion base. And, use them to attack street bruisers on the battle map. You can unlock new associates(high-level associates) by investing in the “crew” in the investing center. The higher the level of the associates, the more power your march will have. By upgrading the training center, you can train more associates at a time. 

Associates tips: –

There are many types of Associates in The Grand Mafia game. For example – Bikers, Bruisers, Mortar Cars, Hitmen, Wall, and more. 

Certain types of associates have an advantage and disadvantage against certain types of associates. For example – Bruiser unit is strong against Hitment, Mortar Cars – but, weak against Bikers, Frag Grenade, Wall. 

Tap the training center building. Tap on the associate -> select the attribute button to check strong/weak info. 

How to use associates wisely?

Well, it depends on the enemy’s weakness. We always recommend to “Recon” the enemy players before you send the enforcers and associates to attack. Recon/Scouting the enemies will give you their information; the troops that the enemies have. Check the type of associates they have the most and choose the associates wisely. For example – if the enemy has more Hitmen, you can send Bruisers, Incendiary, Bomb, and Wall units because the Hitmen unit is weak against these types. 

Guide To Enforcers In The Grand Mafia Game⇓

Enforcers are the main characters in The Grand Mafia game. They lead the crew into the battles. By upgrading their rank, you can increase the crew size – the larger the crew size, the more associates you can take to the battle. 

Go to the Enforcers -> there you can check the complete list of Enforcers. Tap on the Enforcer card. In the upper-left corner, you can check its level and the type(tap the type icon for details), crew size, etc. Tap the + button next to the level bar -> use the Enforcer XP -> level up. You can get Enforcer XP from the campaign mode, quests, etc. 

To rank-up the Enforcers, you will need tokens. Tokens can be obtained from the campaign mode stages. 

To unlock new Enforcers, you will need their tokens, obtain from the campaign mode stages; elite mode mostly. 

The Best Way To Progress In The Grand Mafia⇓

We recommend you to focus on the campaign mode in the early game; it gives EXP, speed-ups, enforcers tokens, and many other rewards. On the mansion base screen -> look and tap on the “campaign” -> do the stages and get free rewards. 

Guide To Underboss ⇓

In The Grand Mafia game, you play as Underboss. In the upper-left corner, tap the Underboss icon. There you can equip him gears(you can craft gears in the workshop building on the mansion base). On the same screen, tap the + button next to the underboss EXP/level bar -> use the underboss EXP to level him up and gain specialty points. You can get the underboss EXP from the tasks, kingpins, campaign, etc. 

Tap the specialties button on the underboss profile screen -> there you can spend the specialty points on “combat/crew” or “economy/cash” tree. Both are important. We recommend splitting 50/50. 

Join An Active Faction⇓

Faction is the guild function in The Grand Mafia game. You must join the faction because it gives you many perks; you can relocate to near the faction to avoid chances of getting robbed by other players(faction -> tap the co-ordinates to go there -> relocate). WIth faction members around you, you will always have an advantage in PvP. 

Other perks include getting assistance from the faction members, free gifts, rally functions, and much more. 

Do The Tasks To Earn Freebies⇓

At the bottom, tap the task button -> do the dailies, turf task, family tasks, faction tasks, VIP tasks to get free rewards. 

Attacking In The Grand Mafia⇓

In the lower-left corner -> tap the map icon. This will take you to the map where you can find enemies and attack them and rob them. On the map screen, tap the search icon in the lower-left corner -> select an enemy type -> send enforcers and associates. Train associates in the training center, get enforcers by playing the campaign mode. 

To rob another player, you can use the co-ordinate. On the map screen, tap the co-ordinate option; X and Y. You can find the player’s co-ordinates by tapping their mansions on the map. 

Guide To Babe In The Grand Mafia⇓

The Grand Mafia guide and tipsBabe gives you free rewards and buffs. On the mansion base screen, on the left side of the mansion, tap the babe option. There you can interact with the babes. Upgrade the mansions to unlock new babes. On the babe profile, you have lots of options; tap the play button to play mini-game and get hearts. Hearts are required to raise the babe’s intimacy level. When the level goes up, you unlock babe’s new skills. On the same babe profile page, you can check the skill, talents, gift, date, and change outfit options. Skills give you rewards. Use talent points to upgrade talent and get buffs. You can build a commercial street to produce the talent points. 

Check Out More Tips⇓

  • Upgrade the vault to protect resources from being robbed
  • Keep training the associates
  • Build and upgrade all the facilities on the mansion base
  • Interact with hot babes daily and raise the favor level
  • Invest in the investment center
  • Go to map and look for resource tiles; you can pile up resources such as arms, cargo, metal, diamond, and cash. 
  • Follow the chapter quests as the walkthrough
  • Participate in faction activities
  • Assign enforcers on the mansion wall as a defense boost
  • Do participate in the events for free rewards

Spend The Gold Bars Wisely⇓

 The game has so many uses of gold bars; we recommend investing in the permanent VIP bonuses. In other words, use the gold bars to get VIP points and raise the VIP level to level for permanent bonuses. In the upper-left corner, next to the underboss icon, tap the VIP option. On that page, you can check the VIP privileges. The higher the VIP level, the more privileges you get. Tap the + button next to the VIP bar -> spend gold bars to get VIP points and raise the VIP level. 

OR, you can spend gold on cuffs, shackles, and liquor.

Also, see – 

So that’s all we got in this post on The Grand Mafia guide and tips for beginners. Got more tips? Comment below. 

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75 thoughts on “The Grand Mafia Guide: Tips, Cheats & Strategies”

  1. I have a dumb question,
    How much vip exp you need for vip 20?
    What it is like can you show me the screenshoot of vip 20 perks?

    • You don’t. Just make sure you keep healing them & reinforcing those that are participating in the event. Even when you burn out send your troop to someone else that is still in.


      Hitmen kill bikers so either a crew UB or a hitmen battle UB not a hitmen development UB

    • If you’re leading you want to go with your strongest enforcer. Ideally one that is a fighter enforcer. The enforcer will tell you what troop it is better.

      If your filling the raid the Leader will/can tell you what enforcers they want you to use

    • With certain buildings it just one…investment center is just one,hostage cell,workshop,faction hotel,black market,faction club and interrogation room are just one unlike the resource buildings…you can have 3-4 of resources buildings because you will need resources for everything;upgrading buildings,training troops,investment

  3. You can purchase more gold in the game or you can basically keep doing what your doing. You can also exchange your task boxes for more handcuffs, liquor and shackles as well in your inventory if you have any. Usually you can get them daily just by being active and doing tasks.

  4. Spending gold on VIP is one of the worst things to spend your gold on. You should not advise other to do so. Spend your gold on cuffs, shackles, and liquor.

    • 4 ways to get your enforcer back
      Pay the ransom if one is set.
      Player might release him if you ask nicely.
      Use the death syrum if you have one.
      Or wait till he’s executed.

  5. This may seem like a really stupid question but how do you know who is active in your crew? And how do you go about switching out enforcers to get the ones you want to be active?

    • Your faction has to win city hall and there’s a buff that can remove it when used. Once used you can’t use it for I think 24hrs and you can only use it on one mansion at a time.

  6. Is there any benefit of having more training centers ??? I mean does it give you more training ability like would i be able to train more than 5000 troops at a goal if say I have 4 training centers at level 25 ???

  7. How to I get more liquor, handcuffs and shackles?? I earn gold and spend it on liquor. Mansion is lvl 25 but I can’t upgrade my investment center without Interrogation room, hostage cell, and fraction club at level 25. ?

  8. My mansion is 24..i have high stats for my crew as i invest as much as possible on crew…but i want to know…how many associates do i need to have in mansion if i want to win attack by someone with T4?

      • you have a 25% disadvantage from the start, you also have a disadvantage on stats. t4 stats will be better then yours. there are trap accounts with t1s they will take a high level t4 players UB every time. study your combat reports and you cam figure out exactly what you will need .

    • Not a terrible guide, but a MUCH better use of gold is on faction resources (liquor, handcuffs, and shackles). Also, focus on Nioh as one of your first enforcers for his investment bonus.

      Make sure you craft a full set of construction gear, and a full set of investment gear.

      Also, for a long time your only formation available has bruisers on the front line, it’s a VERY good idea to focus on bruisers as your primary associate type.

  9. Can anyone teach me how to set the underboss second speciality. I have unlock 2 but after setting the second set specialties and I press apply it ask for a USB drive which I have already used 5 and every time when I tried to switch the first specialities which I have set will be lost

  10. Hospital give 5% hp. Instead of a bunch of Hospitals wouldn’t it be better to have more diamond shops and training centers. Hospital capacity is very limited. So that makes rather useless if it saves 400k troops out of 2 million? Is it more beneficial to minimize hospital so we can take advantage of the buffs the buildings offer?

    • I thought the same but – as you get higher level mansions and the- t4 troops, you co.e up against many players with high numbers of troops. You need enough hospitals to cover your troop total or the excess will die and you lose more influence in defeat. 2. The higher you get the more resources you need to keep growing. So, farming and turf wars together, plus tasks, are essential. 3. Training centres ……you only need 1. Just keep upgrading it.

    • If your city and faction aren’t getting attacked heavily, prioritize diamonds for training speed over hospitals. Use your noggin to decide when to redact that, and build hospitals instead. Building placements and amount are relevant to the city and faction you are in. If you are in the top 10 and don’t get hit much, there’s no reason for hospitals in mass.

      • You are absolutely right. That’s the thing your either tearing down and in place building hospitals, diamond labs even training centers dependant on what you are focusing on at the time and how safe you are depending on faction you roll with and the city your in. Too many just stick with one setup never to demolish for what they are trying to achieve. I’m glad you mentioned it.

  11. Okay so I’m governor war … I’ve seen factions building towers that aren’t connected to completed territory… this isn’t ment to be doable … so how are they doing it?
