Aether Gazer Guide & Tips For Beginners

Read on for Aether Gazer Guide & Tips for Beginners.

Aether Gazer Guide & Tips For Beginners
Aether Gazer Guide & Tips For Beginners

Aether Gazer

Aether Gazer is a mobile gacha ARPG published by Yostar Games. The game is similar to Punishing Gray Raven, another top-notch ARPG available on mobile for free. Devs have done a fantastic job optimizing the game for mobile devices; it runs amazingly smooth and consumes low battery. The following Aether Gazer guide covers the game’s basics and shares some good beginner tips. So let’s not waste any time and get to the main content. 

Aether Gazer Tips Part I: Reroll Or Not?

It would be better to reroll for a top-tier character at the beginning of the game for a head start. Having a top-tier character right from the beginning will make your progress easy. Read the Aether Gazer reroll guide here if you don’t know how to reroll. Check our Aether Gazer tier list to know which characters are the best. 

Aether Gazer Guide Part I: Introduction To Game Modes

The game is packed with a variety of game modes. At first, you will have access to the main story mode, which is classified into chapters; each chapter features a set number of stages and can be played in multiple difficulties; normal, hard, etc. You can repeat the chapter stages for rewards like Ain Soph Coins, admin EXP, material items, etc. New game modes unlock as you complete these chapters. 

There are special game modes[Supplies] that you can play to farm material items such as skill point materials, access key EXP materials, limit break materials, and mod limit break materials. Tap the operation option in the lower-right corner to open the game mode selection screen. 

Aether Gazer Guide Part II: Introduction To In-Game Currencies & Items

  • Modifier Scan Voucher: Gacha currency; you will need these vouchers to obtain Modifiers/Characters/Functors. You can get these vouchers by completing the missions and events and participating in the game modes. 
  • Ain Soph Coins: The primary currency in Aether Gazer. You will need coins for character development or to shop for items in the trading zone.
  • Swigs: To play story mode stages, you need Swigs. Swigs regenerate automatically over time. 
  • Shifting Flowers: A premium currency you can exchange for gacha vouchers used for scanning or obtaining characters/modifiers. You can receive Shifting Flowers by doing missions, participating in events, and playing the game modes. Or spend real money in the shop. 
  • LimitBreak Items: Origin Dust, Origin Star Whirl, and Origin Condensation are limit break items required to limit break a character. You can obtain these from missions, shops (supplies, shining imprints), events, or playing game modes that reward these items[Operation -> Supplies -> LimitBreak mode].
  • Intel: Intel items or character fragments are required for transcending the characters Or recruiting the character when you have enough intel. 
  • Skill Material: These items are needed to upgrade the skills of characters. Obtain these items from farming modes[Supplies], shops, or by completing missions. 
  • Access Key EXP Items[i.e., Sephirah Crystal]: These items are needed to enhance the weapon or access the key of the Modifier. Obtain these items from the farming modes[Operation -> Supplies -> Access Key EXP Mode]
  • Sigils: Equip Sigil items to the character. You can enhance the Sigils with Sigil EXP items[Revelation]. Obtain these items by playing the game[missions, events, story mode, supply mode, etc.] or go to shop -> sigil shop -> Revelation.

Aether Gazer Tips Part II: Know Your Characters

Each character in Aether Gazer possesses unique skills; normal skills, active skills, dodge skills, and ultimate skills. It’s essential to know the characters’ strengths so you can use them effectively in combat. Head to the modifier section of the game. Select a character, tap on the skill option, and read the skill details. You can get characters by spending the modifier vouchers. Head to the Scan menu of the game, choose a banner and spend the vouchers. 

Aether Gazer Guide Part III: Character Guide

All the characters are classified into these Gen-zones:

  • Olympus
  • Nile
  • Shinou
  • Yggdrasil
  • Asterism

You can check the Modifier’s Gen-Zone in the Modifier section of the game. Select a character, and tap on the Gen-zone icon next to the info icon. When there are three Modifiers of the same Gen-zone on the battlefield, additional battle bonuses may be obtained during the battle. 

Aether Gazer Guide & Tips For Beginners
Aether Gazer Guide & Tips For Beginners
  • Shinou: Increases Mods’ DMG according to the number of enemies they face.
  • Yggdrasill: Restores Mods’ Combat Resources (Rage, Energy, Traces, Divine Grace)
  • Olympus: Increases Mods’ Mod Index Multiplier charge speed.
  • Nile: Increases Mod’s CRIT DMG.
  • Asterism: Attacks by all Mods deal DEF-piercing DMG

Character Proficiency Level

  • Character Proficiency LVL increases when you select that particular character and win the combat, 

Aether Gazer Guide Part IV: Character Development Guide

Tap Modifier in the lower-left corner in the lobby -> select a character. 

  • Level Up: Use EXP items to increase the character’s level. When the character reaches its current level cap, you must perform a limit break to increase the level cap. 
  • Transcend: Require dupes or the same character’s intel or fragments. Costs Ain Soph Coins. Increases base stats. 
  • Access Key: Enhance/LimitBreak the weapon. Select/Transcend the Functor. 
  • Skills: Upgrade the skills of the characters. 
  • Sigils: Equip Sigils to boost the character’s stats. Read the Sigil details before you equip it to the character. Sigil’s set effects are activated when you equip three or more Sigils of the same set. On the Sigil selection screen, tap the Recommended Sigil option to see the game’s recommendations on the best Sigils for your character. 
  • Codes: Aether Codes grant bonuses when you imprint these. Go to Modifier -> select a character -> Codes -> Adjust -> select an Aether code -> check the unlock condition -> complete the condition to unlock the Aether code -> tap Imprint to activate that Aether code and enjoy its bonuses. Read the Aether code bonuses and imprint those that further strengthen up the character’s performance in the battle. 

Aether Gazer Tips Part III: Do The Missions

There are daily missions, weekly missions, and story missions. Daily Missions grant a ton of admin EXP and other valuable items like Shfted Stars, materials, and other in-game currencies. Complete these missions daily, and don’t miss any rewards. Also, don’t forget to claim the achievement rewards[tap the profile icon in the top-left corner -> achievements). 

Aether Gazer Tips Part IV: Join An Active Guild

You can find active guilds on the official Discord. The Discord link is provided here. 

Aether Gazer Guide Part V: Functors

Functors can be equipped in the access key section of the character’s profile and grant specific stat bonuses. For example, increasing DMG, CRIT rate, DoT, etc. You can obtain Functors through the game gacha[SCAN -> Spend Vouchers]. You can see the details of all functors in the database codex available in the game[tap the profile icon in the top-left corner  -> tap gallery -> functors].

Also, see – 

So this would be all in this post on Aether Gazer Guide & Tips For Beginners.

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