Dragon Ball Legends Guide: Tips, Cheats & Strategy

Dragon Ball LegendsDragon Ball Legends (DB Legends) is a great fighting game for mobile devices by Bandai Namco, featuring your favorite DBZ characters; Goku, Vegeta, Super Saiyan Goku, Frieza, and many more. Read on for Dragon Ball Legends guide packed with beginner’s DB Legends tips, cheats & strategies 2021. 

Getting Started With Dragon Ball Legends Basics⇓

In Dragon Ball Legends game, your main objective is to build the party of the best characters. Check out our characters guide below and know more about the best characters and how to increase their power. You start the game from the story mode, which is quite easy. As you level-up, PvP mode and event mode get unlocked. In PvP mode, you fight against other players from all over the world and improve your rank for medals. You can use medals to obtain souls; red, yellow, and blue. As you progress or move to a high rank, you will face high-level players and it would be hard to win the battles.

If you did not pay attention to the tutorial and don’t know about souls, equipment, limit-break, Z-ability, main-ability, strategy, and more, we are here to help you with our Dragon Ball Legends guide and Dragon Ball Legends tips, cheats & strategy. Let’s start the Dragon Ball Legends guide first;

Dragon Ball Legends Guide To Story Mode Grinding⇓


Dragon Ball LegendsThe story mode is divided into chapters; completing a chapter rewards you crystals, souls, Zeni, Z points, and much more.

On the main screen -> tap on the story icon -> choose “select story” or “newest chapter”; to repeat choose “select story”, to play new chapter, choose “newest chapter”. Here are some tips to play story mode like a pro!

Before you start the chapter, go to the challenges tab and check out the challenges; complete these challenges in the first turn to get free rewards such as crystal, Zeni, souls, and much more.

And most important; you earn character EXP. Character EXP is required to level up a character. Only those characters will get EXP who are in your party. To edit the party, go to menu ->characters -> edit -> select the characters. You can select up to six characters. And you can create seven parties with different character combinations. Before the battle starts, you can select any one of these seven parties.

Dragon Ball Legends Guide To Characters⇓

Dragon Ball Legends game features dozens of characters. You can check the complete list in the menu -> characters -> character list.

Elements of characters: –

  • Support
  • Defense
  • Melee
  • Ranged

Tap on a character to check its battle style. For instance; Krillin is a defense type character, Shallot is of melee type, Goku(extreme); melee, Super Saiyan Goku; ranged type, Tao; support type.

You can take advantage of choosing the characters on the basis of elements; here’s how: –

  • Red element > Yellow element
  • Yellow > Purple
  • Purple > Green
  • Green > Blue
  • Blue > Red

For instance; check the enemy character’s element; if it’s red, then choose blue element character. If it’s yellow, then choose red element character. Go to characters section -> hold down on a character and check its element.

Unlocking New Characters In DB Legends⇓

It’s very simple. Go to menu -> summon -> choose “single summon” or “consecutive summon”. Get the character shards. A consecutive summon is best; you will definitely get an extreme or sparking character[initially].

Dragon Ball Legends Guide To Limit Break⇓

You can add stars to your characters using limit-break. All you need to do is gain enough Z power. For instance; I have Goku(hero). Now, to limit-break Goku or add a star to Goku, I need Z power(Goku). How to get it? Use the summon feature. Why is limit-break important? Because it increases the power cap of your character.

DB Legends Friendship Level Guide⇓

You can earn friendship points by playing the game; just select those characters. You can teach Shallot “Special Move” or get an item reward by getting friendship points.

DB Legends Souls Guide⇓

There are many types of souls; red, blue, yellow, super souls, and more. You use these souls to increase the stats of your characters. For instance, I want to increase the “defense” stats of my character “Super Saiyan Goku”. And for this, I need souls.

How to obtain souls in the DB Legends game?

Play story mode, repeat the chapters, and earn souls. Play PvP mode and earn medals. Use medals in exchange shop to get souls; red, blue, yellow, super souls, and more.

How To Soul Boost?

Dragon Ball LegendsGo to the menu of the game -> characters -> choose soul boost. Select a character and confirm. After it, you will see this screen: –

Tap on a boost(i.e. health, strike attack, blast attack, blast defense, or more) and then tap on OK. Spend souls and Zeni to increase your stats.

What is this?

  • Health -> To increase a character’s health/HP
  • Strike Attack -> Increase the deal damage; when you use the strike attack card in the battle
  • Blast Attack -> Increase the deal damage; when you use blast attack card in the battle
  • Strike Defense -> Increase your defense when you hit by an enemy strike card
  • Blast Defense -> Increase your defense when you hit by the enemy’s blast defense card

What is class-up in Dragon Ball Legends?

When you unlock the ten tiles(i.e. strike, blast, health, and more), the class-up feature gets unlocked(see the above picture). When you class up a character, that character will get bonuses. You can class up a character when the character reaches level 300. Read Dragon Ball Legends cheats, tips, and strategies below to learn how to level up fast.

DB Legends Tips For Leveling⇓

Follow these ways to level-up fast: –

  • Repeat story mode chapters to gain EXP(Requires to level up)
  • Train your characters. Go to menu -> train -> EXP training or Limited Time Training -> select the character and begin training
  • You need training material to start training. Send your low-level characters on the adventure to obtain training material and Zeni. Go to menu -> adventure -> select low-quality characters or those who are not in your party. They will bring the training material for you.

Leveling up = More Power, Class-Up.

Must Use Rising Rush And The Main Ability⇓

Dragon Ball LegendsRising Rush is the powerful attack in Dragon Ball Legends game. And if you are playing PvP mode, it would be better to activate it as soon as possible and use it at the right time. Additionally, you should also use the main ability of your character in the battle to get bonus advantage.

Don’t know how to cast or land rising rush skill? We have posted a full guide on this topic, you can check -> Here.

Tips To Break Rising Rush⇓

As you know, Rising Rush is a powerful attack, and using Rising Rush, the players can easily reduce the HP of a character or K.O. How to break Rising Rush or how to protect your character from Rising Rush attack?

It’s very easy. All you need to do is “swipe left or right”, which means, you just have to dodge at the right time. When you see the opponent is going to use rising rush, swipe right or left/dodge[timing is important].

DB Legends PvP Cheats, Tips & Strategy

PvP is the main mode in Dragon Ball Legends game. In this mode, you battle against other players from all over the world in real-time. Here are some Dragon Ball Legends cheats, tips & strategy to win PvP battles;

  • Choose the best characters[Must reach the level 300]

You can select up to three characters for the battle. Select the best characters for your party.

  • Land first strike. Here’s how;

If you strike first, you can easily stun the opponent character. When the battle starts; there are two ways to land the first strike;

  1. Choose the “blast card” before your opponent
  2. Dodge and then use cards

I would recommend you to swipe left/right/dodge instantly when the battle starts; it will save you from the opponent’s attack[first strike] and you will be able to use your basic attack and then cards.

If you get successful in striking first, then tap on your all cards to perform combos.

  • Activate Rising Rush, but use at the right time

Rising Rush attack can lead you to the victory and if you are struggling, this attack can save you. Read the rising rush guide here. Make sure you activate it as soon as possible but use it at the right time.

  • Use Main Ability

Main Ability gives a bonus advantage to a character in the battle. All you need to tap(a certain number of times) and tap on the character’s icon. You can read main ability guide here.

  • Restore Ki-Gauge/Mana

Ki-Gauge/Mana, cost of an art card restores automatically. Without it, you can not use cards. To restore it fast, hold down on the screen.

Quick Tips, Cheats for Dragon Ball Legends⇓

Here is the summary of this post: – Dragon Ball Legends cheats, tips & strategy: –

  • Don’t develop all of your characters; focus on only six characters[3 for PvP]. We’ll soon publish DB Legends Tier List
  • Complete the missions to raise the player level
  • Increase the stats of your best characters using soul boost and by equipping the gears
  • Level-up characters fast by sending them on training sessions
  • Send characters on adventures to obtain training tickets and Zeni
  • Rank-Up, win PvP matches, and obtain medals. Use medals in exchange shop to obtain souls
  • Class-Up your character
  • Summon daily and you could obtain character shards/Z-power. Z-Power is required to limit-break a character
  • Repeat story mode chapters to earn EXP

So this would be all in this post on Dragon Ball Legends Guide, Tips For Beginners 2021. 

So this is the Dragon Ball Legends guide for beginners. We will update this post with more info soon.

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11 thoughts on “Dragon Ball Legends Guide: Tips, Cheats & Strategy”

  1. May I ask you how to increase health/HP capacity? The maximum health/HP of my obtained characters are all below 3,000,000. It is quite difficult to defeat some enemies. These enemies have at least 8,000,000 to 9,000,000 HP.
