Void Troopers Time-Travel & Technology Guide

Time-Travel feature in Void Troopers game lets you progress fast in the game. But there is a catch. Here’s how to use time-travel feature in Void Troopers

In the previous post on Void Troopers(Check Here), we shared a detailed guide on all the features including time-travel. In today’s post, we are going explain time-travel feature in detail. Let’s start the Void Troopers Time-Travel & Technology guide.

  1. Time-Travel
  2. Time-Orbs
  3. Technology

Advantages: – 

  • You will earn time-orbs
  • Use time-orbs to buy technologies or upgrade or level up technologies
  • Activating the technology activates a special bonus and you will be able to progress fast(as per technology)

Disadvantages: – 

  • It resets the game progress; you will lose ships, gold(except diamonds, technologies)

Should you use this feature?

Void Troopers game features 19+ galaxies and as you progress to new galaxies, your progress rate will be down. If you see the progress is very slow, then time-travel feature will help you to progress fast.

Time-Travel Guide

The player can use this feature after reaching to the galaxy 5. Go to the first tab and tap the time-travel button to get time-orbs. You can use time-orbs to buy technologies.


Technologies are like a bonus. As you move to galaxy 7, 9, 11, new technologies get unlocked. You can level-up the technology using time-orbs and increase its effect. For instance; if you buy Alchemy Refinements technology, the gold drop rate will be increased by 25%. And you will be able to upgrade the ships fast.

All the technologies featured in the Void Troopers game have different outputs. So, you should buy technology wisely. Also, see – Best Time-Management games for Android

How to use time-travel feature wisely?

Well, it’s quite easy. First of all, check the available technologies. Go to the first tab and there you can see the available technologies. After it, check the output(i.e. increase in gold rate, reduction in upgrade cost, increase in damage, fleet’s bonus damage etc.).

Void Troopers Time TravelNow, check the cost of technologies. If you have enough time-orbs, then go for it. If not, then defeat more bosses in the game. Keep in mind that you will lose gold, ships, and level progress. And there would be an increment in a specific aspect based on the technology purchased by you. For instance: – For the first time, you have two options: –

  • Fleet Ammunitions
  • Primary Cannons

Fleet Ammunitions technology can increase the damage power of ships. And primary cannon technology can increase the tap damage.

2nd Time: – 

After resetting the game progress for the first time for time-orbs, reach the galaxy 5 and then you can use time-travel feature again. But make sure to use it when you have 2-4X more orbs than previous time so that you can level up the unlocked technology and buy a new technology. 

Obtain more time-orbs and then use time-travel feature again. It would be better to use this feature when you feel the progress is very slow and the upgrade cost is very high. Buy a perfect technology to get a bonus or level-up the technology to increase bonus benefits.

Read out tips & tricks+ cheats here to master the Void Troopers game.

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1 thought on “Void Troopers Time-Travel & Technology Guide”

  1. Is the expedition section of the game broken ? Can’t use it . Says internet required to launch expeditions please restart . And I play it on apple. Is this fixed on iOS ? I play always online otherwise I wouldn’t get my ads
    Is this feature been discontinued ?
