Peroxide Arruruerie Clan

Read on for Peroxide Arruruerie Clan.

Peroxide Arruruerie Clan
Peroxide Arruruerie Clan

Peroxide Arruruerie Clan

  • Arruruerie Clan
    • 15% Spirit multiplier (1.15x)

The Arruruerie Clan holds a distinctive perk that grants its members a notable advantage. With a significant 15% Spirit multiplier (1.15x), clan members experience an augmented connection to the spiritual realm, enhancing their spiritual energy and capabilities. This augmentation empowers them to channel spiritual energies more effectively, communicate with spirits, and utilize potent spiritual techniques with finesse.

Peroxide Clans are classified into three rarity tiers: common, rare, and legendary clans, each characterized by different probabilities of acquisition. When rerolling, the majority, accounting for 89%, results in a common clan with moderate perks. The rare clans, comprising 9% of the possibilities, offer more impactful advantages, providing members with a noticeable competitive edge. The peak of prestige is embodied by the legendary clans, obtainable at a mere 2% chance. These legendary clans confer unparalleled benefits and are highly sought after by those aspiring for dominance.

In the context provided, the Arruruerie Clan is not assigned a specific rarity classification. However, its single trait, the 15% Spirit multiplier, signifies a significant strength in spiritual energy and capabilities. While further classification details are omitted, the Spirit multiplier offers Arruruerie Clan members an exceptional ability to wield spiritual powers and engage effectively in spiritual confrontations and activities.

So that covers Peroxide Arruruerie Clan.

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