Peroxide Ishida Clan

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Peroxide Ishida Clan
Peroxide Ishida Clan

Peroxide Ishida Clan

  • Ishida
    • 15% Spirit multiplier (1.15x)
    • 10% Vitality multiplier (1.1x)
    • 15% Reiatsu multiplier (1.15x)
    • 10% better Health Regen (1.1x) 

The Ishida clan showcases a remarkable set of perks that grant its members exceptional advantages. With a potent 15% Spirit multiplier (1.15x), clan members experience an amplified connection to the spiritual realm, enhancing their spiritual energy and capabilities. This augmentation empowers them to wield advanced spiritual techniques, communicate with spirits, and influence spiritual energies with finesse.

Additionally, the Ishida clan members also benefit from a commendable 10% Vitality multiplier (1.1x). This unique perk boosts their physical endurance and overall health, making them more resilient and capable of enduring extended battles and challenging circumstances. The Vitality multiplier contributes to their survivability and enhances their ability to outlast opponents.

Furthermore, the Ishida clan excels in the domain of spiritual prowess. Members enjoy a notable 15% Reiatsu multiplier (1.15x), which enhances their spiritual pressure, enabling them to exert greater control over their surroundings and influence spiritual energies with precision. This Reiatsu multiplier grants them a commanding presence and amplifies their prowess in spiritual battles.

The Ishida clan also provides its members with a commendable 10% improvement in Health Regeneration (1.1x). This advantage accelerates their healing process, allowing them to recover from injuries and wounds more swiftly. This regenerative capability contributes to their longevity and effectiveness in combat situations.

Peroxide Clans are divided into three rarity tiers: common, rare, and legendary clans, each with distinct probabilities of acquisition. During rerolls, the majority, making up 89%, results in a common clan with modest perks. The rare clans, comprising 9% of the chances, offer more impactful advantages, providing members with a notable competitive edge. The pinnacle of prestige is embodied by the legendary clans, attainable at a mere 2% chance. These legendary clans confer unparalleled benefits and are fervently pursued by those aspiring to achieve supremacy.

In the context provided, the esteemed Ishida clan is classified as a legendary clan. With the 15% Spirit multiplier, 10% Vitality multiplier, 15% Reiatsu multiplier, and 10% better Health Regeneration, Ishida clan members possess a comprehensive range of advantages that enhance their spiritual abilities, physical endurance, and regenerative capacities. As a legendary clan, the Ishida clan occupies a distinguished position within the Peroxide Clan hierarchy, endowing its members with exceptional benefits that contribute to their excellence across various aspects of combat and resilience.

So that covers Peroxide Ishida Clan.

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