Peroxide Jaegerjaquez Clan

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Peroxide Jaegerjaquez Clan
Peroxide Jaegerjaquez Clan

Peroxide Jaegerjaquez Clan

  • Jaegerjaquez Clan
    • 15% Strength multiplier (1.15x)
    • 10% Agility multiplier (1.1x)
    • 13% Vitality multiplier (1.13x)

The Jaegerjaquez Clan possesses a unique set of perks that endow its members with exceptional advantages. With a potent 15% Strength multiplier (1.15x), clan members experience heightened physical power, enabling them to deliver more impactful attacks and exhibit impressive feats of strength. This augmentation sets them apart as formidable contenders in physical confrontations.

Moreover, the Jaegerjaquez Clan members also benefit from a notable 10% Agility multiplier (1.1x). This distinct advantage enhances their speed, reflexes, and nimbleness, empowering them to move swiftly, react quickly, and maneuver with exceptional dexterity. The Agility multiplier provides members with a significant edge in both combat and situations that demand precision and rapid movement.

Additionally, the Jaegerjaquez Clan bestows a commendable 13% Vitality multiplier (1.13x) upon its members. This exceptional perk bolsters their physical endurance and overall health, making them more resilient and capable of enduring prolonged battles and challenging situations. The Vitality multiplier contributes to their ability to withstand attacks and recover swiftly from injuries.

Peroxide Clans are classified into three rarity tiers: common, rare, and legendary clans, each characterized by different probabilities of acquisition. When rerolling, the majority, comprising 89%, results in a common clan with moderate perks. The rare clans, accounting for 9% of the possibilities, offer more impactful advantages, providing members with a noticeable competitive edge. The pinnacle of prestige is embodied by the legendary clans, obtainable at a mere 2% chance. These legendary clans confer unparalleled benefits and are fervently pursued by those aspiring for dominance.

In the provided context, the esteemed Jaegerjaquez Clan is classified as a legendary clan. With the 15% Strength multiplier, 10% Agility multiplier, and 13% Vitality multiplier, Jaegerjaquez Clan members enjoy a comprehensive range of advantages that enhance their physical power, speed, endurance, and overall combat prowess. As a legendary clan, the Jaegerjaquez Clan occupies a distinguished position within the Peroxide Clan hierarchy, endowing its members with exceptional benefits that contribute to their excellence in various forms of combat and challenges.

So that covers Peroxide Jaegerjaquez Clan.

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