Mashle Academy Magics Tier List Guide: Best Magic [July 2024]

Read on for the Mashle Academy Magics Tier List and find out the best magic currently available in the game. 

Mashle Academy Magics Tier List Guide Best Magic

Mashle Academy Magics Tier List Criteria

The following magic tier list for the Mashle Academy ranks the magics into these tiers; 

  • Tier 1: Best Magic
  • Tier 2: Good Magic
  • Tier 3: Decent Magic

Change Logs & Notes:

  • NOTES (1): Read this Mashle Academy Trello for magic details, skills, and their effects’ animations.
  • * means the magic is currently not in the game, but will be added in the future updates

Mashle Academy Magics Tier List: Best Magic 

  • Muscles – Tier 1
  • Partisan – Tier 1*
  • Lights – Tier 1*
  • Darkness – Tier 1*
  • Timez – Tier 1*
  • Spaces – Tier 1*

Magic Tier List For Mashle Academy: The Good Magics

  • Graviole – Tier 2
  • Lightning – Tier 2
  • Reverse – Tier 2*
  • Sounds – Tier 2*
  • Sands – Tier 2*
  • Marioness – Tier 2*

Mashle Academy Magics Tier List: Decent Magic

  • Fire – Tier 3
  • Roks – Tier 3
  • Charm – Tier 3
  • Tornegus – Tier 3
  • Waters – Tier 3
  • Explomb – Tier 3*
  • Changeas – Tier 3*
  • Shuriketh – Tier 3*
  • Transparamenncy – Tier 3*
  • Acceleraise – Tier 3*
  • Cultery – Tier 3*

About This Mashle Academy Magic Tier List

The above Mashle Academy Tier List ranks the Magics based on their performance in available game modes. The game currently features a limited set of Magics; each Magic has unique moves, and each move unleashes a unique skill. The new updates to the game will add new Magics; we will try our best to keep this tier list up to date with the most accurate tier ratings. The Magics are currently available in multiple rarities: common[90%], rare[10%], super rare[1%].

Other Tier List for Roblox Games:

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