How to restore the health of your character in Undawn?

Learn how to restore the health of your character in Undawn.

How to restore the health of your character in Undawn
How to restore the health of your character in Undawn

Undawn Guide To HP Recovery

As you engage in battles and explore the wilderness, you will likely lose HP from the strikes of zombies and animals. Having HP recovery items in the backpack would be a wise decision so that you can consume these items and instantly restore the health of your character. Note that your character’s health will not restore automatically unless you have an HP recovery buff. Let’s learn how to recover your character’s health in the Undawn game. 

How to restore the health of your character in Undawn?

The best way to restore the character’s health in the Undawn game is using the HP recovery items. You can craft two HP recovery items right from the beginning; these two items are simple bandages and antibody medicine. For crafting a simple bandage, you will need five plant fibers, which you can gather by picking flax or purchasing from the supplies merchant Clint at the Ravens Shelter. For crafting the antibody item, you will need special antibody buffer material items that you can obtain from zombies[eliminate zombies, and they will drop this material], or you can buy the same from Clint at the Ravens Shelter. 

As you upgrade the homestead or increase the character’s level, new HP recovery items will get unlocked. 

First Aid Kid

  • Restores 290 HP over 10 seconds[at max]
  • Level 1 unlocks at character level 15
  • Level 2 unlocks at homestead level 4
  • Level 3 unlocks at homestead level 3
  • Requires; X3 Iron Ores, X3 Tattered Animal Hide, X3 Cedar Bark, X3 Common Flaxseed, and X15 Plant Fibers[For level 1 Aid Kit]
  • Requires; X3 Copper Ores, X3 Small Animal Hide, X3 Ash Branch, X3 Prairie Flaxseed, and X15 Plant Fibers[For level 2 Aid Kit]
  • Requires; X4 Copper Ores, X4 Small Animal Hide, X4 Ash Branch, X4 Prairie Flaxseed, and X15 Plant Fibers[For level 3 Aid Kit]

Another way to restore the character’s health in the Undawn game is by consuming fruits or food items. Even the bare wild berry will restore health and reduce hunger. 

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